Learn to Fall for All
We strongly believe that knowing how to fall safely is an integral skill regardless of your activity level or age. This is something that is practised everyday in judo as a great percentage of judo includes throwing your opponent to the ground, but falling is not limited to practising judo. This is an inevitability in everyday life and even more so if you are involved with sport or have to deal with slippery conditions.
There are many things that you can do to help reduce how often falling will occur but they are an inevitable part of life. Knowing how to safely fall will not fully eliminate all injuries from occurring, but it will greatly reduce the likelihood as well as the severity of the impact. This may leave you with small scratches instead of broken bones, or being winded instead of concussed.
The CDC claims that in the United States over 300,00 elderly people are hospitalized each year from fall injuries, over 95% of hip fractures are from falls, and over 800,000 people are hospitalized each year mostly for head and hip injuries. They also project that by the year 2030 there will be 7 fall deaths per hour in the United States alone!
We have designed a simple step by step process on how to safely learn and practise this skill for when that day eventually comes. Whether you are running up stairs and slip, or are body checked while playing hockey.
We offer this program as a free seminar available to work places, sporting groups or to anyone interested in learning in one of our in house seminars.

NWT Judo strives to increase the physical activity of people throughout the territory with Judo, and is dedicated to developing judoka from grassroots to high performance athletes. We work to provide a fun learning atmosphere both in the school system, specifically throughout the Dehcho District, as well as hubs in Yellowknife and Inuvik.